Thursday, January 05, 2006

Research Design: Survey

Writing good survey items can be challenging. Aside from having experience in writing survey items, the best advice is to learn as much about other good survey items (and their authors) as you can. This set of sites can help you in that venture, as well as provide general information about the usefulness of surveys.

What is a Survey
A comprehensive series of articles from the American Statistical Association.

Survey Research
Professor John Davis in Department of Psychology at Metropolitan State College of Denver has a very useful website for his course entitled Survey Research Methods.

Free Services for Survey Researchers
A broad range of informative articles and tools for quantitative researchers.

Survey Design, Questionnaire Design Tips
Creative Research System has a product called The Survey System. On this site is helpful information regarding survey creation. Beginning information about setting goals, to more advanced information about sampling and subgroup quotas, are included.

Summary of Survey Analysis Software
This page is a summary of available software for the analysis of surveys with complex sample designs.

Associations and Societies
Describes organizations dedicated or related to survey research.

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